Our Team
Director + Master Coach
Master Coach and Director at InsideOut as well as an International Athlete, and, proud Founder of the annual, Spring Into Action for Youth Mental Health Day Event (2006-present).
With over 10,000 hours serving in professional coaching and leadership practice, Barry imparts valuable life-skills along with two vital steps to sharing a successful growth journey to fulfilling potential:
Firstly, is to recognize the importance of meeting people where they’re at when it comes to life, health, fitness, or, performance. Secondly, that we all need to step out of our comfort zone by adopting a process of discipline and doing the work - beginning from INSIDE OUT in order to achieve growth and reach goals!
This past year he was inducted into the Local Hall of Fame for his coaching, athletic background and community leadership.
To inquire or schedule a consultation with Barry contact us today!
Fit favorites: Rehab and Athletic-Based Exercises, Plyometrics, Functional Movement, Mental Training, Leadership, High Performance and Mindfulness.