2024 Resolutions: The Year of Fitness, Inspiration + Discovering Life Habits


In December last year, I found myself reflecting on the year gone by and contemplating the

changes I wanted to make in the coming year. Little did I know that my decision to embark on a

fitness journey would lead me to not just a healthier lifestyle but also to the triumphant moment of

competing in a tournament and finals that would shape my life. The transformation was not just physical; it was a holistic journey that encompassed the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of my well-being.

Setting the Stage:

With the determination to make changes, I set my sights on a tournament that would test not just

my physical prowess but also my mental resilience. The first step in my journey was

acknowledging the need for change and setting realistic goals. Last December, I weighed in at a

point that felt uncomfortable, and the prospect of a high-level tournament seemed like a distant dream. My

heart desired to play but what needed to change was my mentality.

Physical Transformation:

The journey would need to began with a commitment to regular exercise as well as a balanced diet. I set out goals to lose weight in a certain amount of time. I planned my workout and mentally prepared for each

workout by setting goals of increasing the work I’d do by adding an extra lap day after day so my

body would give it all and some more each day. Consistency became my mantra as I devoted time

each day to my workouts, gradually increasing the intensity as my stamina improved. The pounds

started to melt away, and I could feel my body growing stronger and more agile. It had been so

long since I had been in shape. It was an eye-opening experience because it helped me understand

that pushing myself to a limit I initially thought I couldn’t reach was possible. InsideOut’s athlete program is designated for athletes like myself who want to go the extra distance in preparation for any sports they are partaking in. It mixes learning and training for the sport you are interested in.

Dietary Discipline:

One of the most difficult aspects of this journey, the discipline I had to have in eating correctly was

vital to the process. Complementing my exercise routine was a conscientious effort to overhaul

my dietary habits. I bid farewell to processed foods and embraced a diet rich in lean proteins,

whole grains, and abundant fruits and vegetables. Understanding the importance of fueling my

body with the right nutrients not only accelerated my weight loss but also provided the energy

necessary for my intense training sessions.

Mental Resilience:

The mental aspect of my journey was equally vital. The road to fitness is riddled with challenges,

setbacks, and moments of self-doubt. Adopting a positive mindset and cultivating mental resilience

became my secret weapons. Visualization exercises, meditation, and affirmations helped me stay

focused on my goals and overcome the mental hurdles that threatened to derail my progress.

There were moments where I could have given up because of the pain but my mentality helped me

prevail. I set out a plan to work on my fitness but it strengthened my mind more than my body. The

positive impact it had allowed me to think more positively, quicker and creatively which allowed me

to improve all aspects of my life. 

Mind-Body Awakening:

Recognizing the intricate connection between the mind and body, I embraced practices that

nurtured both. Stretching and mindfulness exercises became integral components of my routine,

fostering a harmonious balance between physical exertion and mental calmness. This mind-body

synergy not only enhanced my overall well-being but also contributed to improved performance

during training sessions.

The Countdown to Triumph:

As the months rolled by, I witnessed a remarkable transformation. The scale reflected a lighter

version of myself, but more importantly, I felt a newfound strength and confidence that

transcended the physical. When the tournament arrived, I realized that my journey was not just

about shedding pounds; it was a journey of self-discovery and empowerment and not merely winning the big tournament! Please check out the INSIDEOUT ATHLETE TRAINING program to see how you can become your best!


Being lost in a forest of fog before the idea of pushing myself towards this goal was depressing

and once I found a purpose, the skies started to clear out and my pathway became more clear. My

year-long journey was not just about becoming fit for winning a tournament; it was a testament to the

transformative power of determination, discipline, and a positive mindset. The physical changes

were evident, but the mental and emotional growth were equally profound. As I stood atop the podium, victorious in more ways than one, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey to get there and all the lessons learned not to mention

the person I had become – a resilient, empowered individual who turned aspirations into


By: G. Gormu


The Gut-Brain Connection: How Nutrition Affects Mental Health


New Year, Stretch Your Mind And Your Body!